Umfrage zur KFZ-Innenbeleuchtung für autonom fahrende Automobile

von | Apr. 7, 2022

Christopher Weirich, Doktorand an der TU Darmstadt, promoviert zum Thema Automobil-Innenbeleuchtung im Kontext des Autonomen Fahrens. Für seine Arbeit hat er eine Umfrage in englischer Sprache konzipiert mit folgender Bitte um Beteiligung:

Within the changing relation between vehicles and people in the context of autonomous driving, we started our second study to investigate illumination preferences for modern in-vehicle lighting. To be able to extend the range of study participants, this study will be globally available and presented by Fudan University (Shanghai-China) and Technical University Darmstadt (Darmstadt-Germany).

The written study access link and QR-Code information are placed below. You need around 25 minutes to answer all questions. Please spread this information within your circle of friends. Thank you.

Access link:


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